Magazine de la plaisance


Day Sailer

Le voilier Day Sailer est construit par Rebel Industries en États-Unis. Ce monocoque, gréé en Sloop fractionné, réalisé par l'architecte naval O'Day, mesure 5.11 m de long avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 1.14 m. La production a démarré en 1956. 10000 exemplaires du bateau ont été produits.
Bateau disponible d'occasion
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bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.bailing ports and a self-bailing cockpit. A MKIII version was built fro 1985-1990 (which is not considered class legal for one-design racing).
The DAY SAILER is still being built by Cape Cod Shipbuilding Copany with iproved self-rescuing features.

Fiche technique du Day Sailer

1.91 mLargeur - Bau
261 kgDéplacement lège
0.18 mTirant d'eau mini

Voir la fiche technique



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