Magazine de la plaisance


Vancouver 27

Le voilier Vancouver 27 est un monocoque habitable de croisière, construit par le chantier Northshore Yachts en Royaume-Uni. Ce voilier Quille fixe, gréé en Cotre, réalisé par l'architecte naval Robert B Harris avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 1.32 m. La production a démarré en 1973.
Bateau disponible d'occasion


The Vancouver 27 was first built on a semi-production basis by Tradewind Boats in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia,CAN, followed by Philbrooks Shipyard and finally Seair Marine Ltd of British Columbia. In 1988, these molds were destroyed and construction of the boat ceased in North America.
Later, the design was built in England as a collaboration of Pheon Yachts Ltd. and Northshore Yachts Ltd..The Vancouver 27 was first built on a semi-production basis by Tradewind Boats in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia,CAN, followed by Philbrooks Shipyard and finally Seair Marine Ltd of British Columbia. In 1988, these molds were destroyed and construction of the boat ceased in North America.
Later, the design was built in England as a collaboration of Pheon Yachts Ltd. and Northshore Yachts Ltd..

Fiche technique du Vancouver 27

2.64 mLargeur - Bau
4 064 kgDéplacement lège

Voir la fiche technique



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Préparation "jester challenge". Installation d'un wind pilot. Photo prise à Rye (angleterre).