Magazine de la plaisance


Offshore 40

Le voilier Offshore 40 est un monocoque habitable de croisière, construit par le chantier Cheoy Lee Shipyard en Hong Kong. Ce voilier Quille fixe, gréé en Sloop en tête, réalisé par l'architecte naval Phillip Rhodes avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 1.83 m. La production a démarré en 1964 et s'est terminée en 1976. 156 exemplaires du bateau ont été produits.
Bateau disponible d'occasion
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EMPIRE 40 was created in an effort to reduce costs of contruction and design royalties of the RHODES RELIANT. Although fro the sae basic tooling, the OFFSHORE 40 has iron instead of lead ballast, and differences in other construction details. Sold as a sloop or yawl.
In the id 1970's, Cheoy Lee Yard built another OFFSHORE 40 (variously designated as the OFFSHORE 4O MKII and then OFFSHORE 41), which was a different boat entirely and thought to be designed by Rayond Richards). See OFFSHORE 41.EMPIRE 40 was created in an effort to reduce costs of contruction and design royalties of the RHODES RELIANT. Although fro the sae basic tooling, the OFFSHORE 40 has iron instead of lead ballast, and differences in other construction details. Sold as a sloop or yawl.
In the id 1970's, Cheoy Lee Yard built another OFFSHORE 40 (variously designated as the OFFSHORE 4O MKII and then OFFSHORE 41), which was a different boat entirely and thought to be designed by Rayond Richards). See OFFSHORE 41.

Fiche technique du Offshore 40

3.28 mLargeur - Bau
9 480 kgDéplacement lège

Voir la fiche technique



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