Magazine de la plaisance


Rex 291

Le voilier Rex 291 est un monocoque habitable de croisière, construit par le chantier Rex Marin en Suède. Ce voilier Quille fixe, gréé en Sloop fractionné, réalisé par l'architecte naval Carl Beyer avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 1.65 m. La production a démarré en 1980. 100 exemplaires du bateau ont été produits.
Bateau disponible d'occasion
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First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.First called APHRODITE 29 and then AHPRODITE 291 (1982).
Available in various stages of construction.
Later, the tooling was adapted for use in the construction of the HANSE 291.

Fiche technique du Rex 291

2.70 mLargeur - Bau
2 300 kgDéplacement lège

Voir la fiche technique



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Le chantier nautique Rex Marin est situé à {ville} ({pays_text}).